A Gentleman's Affair (11 page)

BOOK: A Gentleman's Affair
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As I enter The Underground, I find a very
different stage set compared to last night.

Today the club looks like a classy reception
hall. The chairs are draped with white covers, each with a large
dark purple bow tied perfectly in the back. Rectangular crystal
vases filled with water, and floating purple and fuchsia flowers
surrounded by votive candles now adorn the tables where penis
decorations used to be. Tiny white lights drape from the ceiling,
replacing penis balloons. A round table has been placed in the
corner of the room holding a six-tier wedding cake that is covered
with a white fondant and—you guessed it—purple flowers. Lily really
seems to like that color.

I speak quickly to my assistant, Patrice,
who has been here all morning along with the wedding planner,
delegating, organizing and making sure that everything will be
perfect for the reception that will take place here tonight. The
ceremony is now minutes away, so after every last detail is
attended to, we all make our way upstairs and outside to the
courtyard to take our seats.

An acoustic guitar player sets the tone for
the ceremony, filling the air with traditional wedding tunes. The
groomsmen join Christopher near the flower-drenched arch, and the
bridesmaids begin to walk slowly down the curved brick walkway
towards them. Rebekah searches the many rows of guests and smiles
as soon as she spots me. She looks incredible.

The guitarist begins to expertly strum the
Wedding March on his guitar, signaling the guests to stand. Lily
makes her entrance with her father to escort her down the aisle to
deliver her to her soon-to-be husband. Her dress is off-white,
strapless, and hugging every inch of her curves. The sun reflects
off of the many tiny crystals that hang strategically from the
bodice and skirt of her dress. Her hair is up and smoothed away
from her face, which showcases the huge grin that she now has as
she makes her way towards the arch.

The ceremony is underway. Lily and
Christopher are now holding hands, facing one another as the pastor
begins to speak. They are gazing into each other’s eyes as if they
are the only two people in the world. I can’t help but wonder what
their chances for a lifetime of happiness really are. Will they
have their happily ever after? Will they actually stand by each
other in sickness and in health? But I digress.

After they exchange vows that they have
written themselves, the rings are placed on each of their “you
belong to me now” fingers and they are finally pronounced husband
and wife. Everyone rises to their feet, applauding and cheering on
the happy couple, as they make their way down the aisle as husband
and wife.

After the wedding photos
have all been taken and the guests have devoured
the hors d’oeuvres and wine, I am instructed by
the wedding planner to address the crowd and
lead the way downstairs to the club for the

Speeches, champagne, food, tossing bouquets
and garters. Dancing, or should I say…drunken dancing. All of the
components that make for a great reception are here in this room
tonight. Everyone is having a great time. Lily and Chris are having
the time of their lives.

But as much as I am enjoying this time with
the happy couple, good friends, and my employees, all I want to do
is be alone with Rebekah. After she is sure that she has completed
her duties as a bridesmaid, we decide to slip out of the reception
for some alone time.

No beach, no cops, no prying eyes, and no
more fucking cock blocking of any kind. So, we take the private
elevator up to my penthouse. The second the doors close, we are
draped all over one another like the two horny teenagers that we
were the night before. We are kissing so passionately that you
would think that we were the ones that in fact, created

Rebekah pushes my tuxedo down my arms,
letting it drop to the floor. The doors open just as she begins to
unbutton my shirt, so I pick her up and carry her out of the
elevator and straight into my bed, our lips never leaving one
another’s for a second. She tears open my shirt and the buttons go
flying off into different directions as I undo my pants at the same
time. That’s right, things are getting real now.

I pull away from her lips and begin trailing
soft kisses down her neck to her shoulder. Moving my mouth swiftly
down the soft curve of the side of her body, my hands slide from
her lower back down the light satin material of her bridesmaid’s
dress, gathering up the hem in my hands before quickly tugging it
up and over her head and tossing it on a chair in the corner of the

We waste no time crashing our lips back
together as I lie her back on the bed, quickly and hungrily
positioning myself between her legs, I thrust my now-hard,
throbbing, extremely-neglected cock deep inside of her.

I quickly find myself having to think of
things to make this last. This feels too good. I will not be a
“minute man” tonight. Which football teams are playing tomorrow
night? What actually are the ingredients in Oreos that make them so
creamy and addicting? Football, football, football. Fuck. It isn’t
working. Her moans are pushing me over the edge, and I am more than
ready to jump off of this cliff.

So, eight minutes of perfection later, I
take the leap. 

Chapter Ten

~The Morning after~



Rebekah is fast asleep, and I am in need of
food, so I leave a note on my pillow for her explaining that I will
be right back with breakfast. I throw on my dark gray sweats and a
black t-shirt and run across the street to Joe’s for coffee, fruit
salad, scrambled eggs, bagels and lox—one of the only meals that I
like from here.

When I get back to my penthouse, I go
straight to the bedroom to wake up Rebekah, but she is nowhere to
be found. The bed is made and her purse is gone from where she set
it the night before. I look around the room for a note, but find
nothing. I can’t imagine that she would just leave without at least
leaving a note.

The sound of running water
suddenly comes from the bathroom, so I breathe
a sigh of relief and walk out of the bedroom and into the
dining room, taking the containers from the bag then setting the
food on the dining room table.

“Good morning, handsome,” she says softly as
she joins me in the kitchen, greeting me with a soft peck on the
lips. “Mmm, that smells good. I’m starving.”

“Good morning, yourself.” I return the kiss
then pull out a chair for her. “I hope this is alright?” I say,
pointing to the mini-feast that I have spread out on the table.
“How did you sleep?” I join her at the table and dig right in.

“Like a baby,” she replies with a smile and
a hint of blush in her cheeks. “How about you?”

“Good. Very good, actually.” I smirk.
Thoughts of having sex with her last night are still very fresh in
my mind. We sit in silence for a moment, eating, gazing into each
other’s eyes and basking in the afterglow that can only follow
eight minutes of incredible sex.

“What time is your flight?” Yes. She is
leaving today. Back to Florida. I suppose that this would be a good
time to discuss the nature of this new relationship. I’ve never
done the long distance thing before. This could get tricky.

“We’re leaving at noon for the airport.” She
sets down her fork and begins to pick at her bagel. The sparkle
that was in her eyes just moments ago is now replaced by a look of
sadness. I reach across the table to hold her hand.

“I know…I feel the same
way, Rebekah. I wish that you could stay longer.” I take
a sip of coffee before continuing, “but we will
see each other again.” Fuck, maybe she doesn’t want to see me
again. I guess I shouldn’t just assume that she does. “You do want
to see me again, don’t you?” I chuckle, feeling like an idiot for
second guessing what I already know. She is definitely into

“Yeah, of course I do. But with my schedule
at the animal hospital, and the distance…” She looks down, still
picking at her bagel, still sad. “We will figure it out, right?”
She looks back up at me, that beautiful smile immediately returning
to her face, and she begins to blush. See? What did I tell you? The
blushing is a dead give away. She wants to see more of the D-man.
All kidding aside, I know that her smile is just a brave front. We
both know that this will be hard.

“We will figure it out baby, I promise you
that.” But in my mind, I’m not 100 percent sure that we will figure
it out. I already adore this girl, but long distance has never
sounded like my idea of a good time. But I will remain positive
about this, she seems to be worth it. I feel like I need to seal
that with a kiss, so I lean across the table and plant a kiss on
her lips.

Rebekah gazes into my eyes for a moment in
that adorable way that she does, then looks down at her
wrist, checking the time on her watch. “Shit, I have to finish
packing.” She takes a last sip of her coffee, gets up from the
table, and holds out her hand. “Will you come and help me?

Hmm, she is begging. She has the most
ridiculous fake pout on her face. Her bottom lip is so far out that
I am tempted to move in and bite it. See? Like I said—adorable. I
can’t help but laugh…

“Relax, I will. But I’m not sure how much
help I will be.” Winking, I take her hand as I get up, escorting
her to the elevator. Knowing that her suite will probably be
swarming with family and friends, I stop her at the elevator, our
eyes locking on one another’s…

“I’m really going to miss these lips,
Rebekah,” I whisper, sliding my thumb along her lower lip, giving
it a playful tug before leaning in for one last kiss that is out of
the sight of probing eyes. My hands instantly wrap around her
waist, pulling her hard against me as I push her against the
elevator doors.

Her delicate hands make their way into my
hair as the kiss builds to a passionate, heated make-out session.
Fuck, why does she have to leave? I finally meet an incredible girl
and she has to live in another state. Aware of the time that we do
not have, we both pull away, look back into each other’s eyes and
smile. Forced smiles. Brave-face smiles.
I-am-going-to-miss-kissing-you smiles. I think that I have made my
point. Moving on.

“Ugh. We better go, Donovan. I don’t want to
miss my flight.” The doors open and we both get into the elevator
filled with mixed emotions. Sadness, since she is about to leave
and now add horny to that for obvious reasons… “Ugh” is right.

“Well, you started it, Rebekah,” I tease.
“If you weren’t so fucking sexy…” I trail off, smirking as the most
beautiful color of pink blushes across her cheeks. Christ, she is
one sexy girl. 

We get off on her floor and make our way
down the corridor to her suite. As she packs we try to talk, but
the room is buzzing with family and friends just as I had expected.
Without any further chance of “alone” time before she leaves, I say
my goodbyes to her family and friends who flew in for the wedding
as everyone finishes up with their packing.

I pull Rebekah out of the suite and into the
corridor for a final kiss goodbye. And, just so you know, I did
offer to take her to the airport, but she wanted to say goodbye
here. I am, as always, a gentleman. We make the promises that
everyone just about to begin a long distance relationship make.
Call, text, email. Will we really be able to do this? Well, she is
definitely worth a good attempt at it. That I do know.

“Call me when you get home, alright?” I cup
her chin, taking a mental picture as I look into her beautiful
green eyes before leaning in for that last kiss. A kiss that we
both know will need to last for awhile.

“Of course I will, Donovan,” she replies
with a pout on her face.

“None of that, baby. We will see each other
soon, I promise you that.”

I pull her close one last time. We hold each
other in a tight embrace for a moment, neither of us speaking a
word. She takes a step back, her hand sliding down my arm before
taking my hand and squeezing it gently. Then, with a final wink and
a sweet smile, she walks back inside the suite.

And…so it begins.

Chapter Eleven

~Swatches, fabrics and paint, oh shit~



Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine
that redecorating the hotel would require the hundreds of emails
that Scarlett has sent over the weekend. Alright, there were closer
to fifteen. Monday morning has begun with a bang, as usual. I click
open each attachment, look over the fabrics, paint samples,
furniture options, and quickly put in a call to Scarlett. As much
as I want to be included in every single aspect of this
project…this is not my forte.

Ringing…ringing…ringing. No answer. Fuck, I
hate leaving messages. “Scarlett, Donovan Hart here. I received
your emails and I would like to set up a meeting to go over all of
this. Call me when you get a chance.” I go back to my emails,
replying to Russ Montrose, one of the investors of Pisa, regarding
some problem with one of the licenses for the build.

Just as I am about to leave my office my
cell rings. I look at the screen to see who it is before answering
and seeing that it is Scarlett, I quickly answer.

“Scarlett, hello. Thank you for getting back
to me so quickly.” I breathe a sigh of relief as I hear her

“No problem, Mr. Hart. You wanted to set up
a meeting?”

“Yes. I took a look at everything and
honestly, I just need to sit down with you to go over all of

“Um, sure. Just say when.” I hear a bit of
worry in her voice as she replies. This is, in fact, her first big
account. I know how nervous she is about it and very eager to
please me, as well.

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