A Brac Pack Crazy Family Christmas 24 (5 page)

Read A Brac Pack Crazy Family Christmas 24 Online

Authors: Lynn Hagen

Tags: #Mm, #Vampires

BOOK: A Brac Pack Crazy Family Christmas 24
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“Fuck me?”


Remi scooted up and grabbed the bottle of lube off the nightstand then rolled over onto his back, holding the large bottle out to his mate.

Drew’s teeth glimmered in the light as he grinned and grabbed the bottle.

“That is so fucking hot,” Remi groaned. “You’ve always been hot, Drew. You just seem to get that way more and more each day.

Tracking your sexy ass down was the best thing I ever did.” Drew grinned. “Bet the days that followed when I was so sick, you thought about changing your mind.”

“Never.” Remi blinked rapidly at the tears that sprang to his eyes when he thought of the pain his mate had gone through getting off drugs. It was still a war that they fought, but the battles were getting fewer and far between. “I never once regretted anything with you.” Drew stopped pouring lube on his fingers and looked down at Remi. “It was a hard time, Remi. I wouldn’t have blamed you if you had run in the other direction. The withdrawal symptoms alone would have made me think twice.”

“No.” The corner of Remi’s mouth curved up. “You never would have left me.”

Drew’s skin flushed. “You’re right, I wouldn’t have.” Drew tossed the bottle of lube onto the bed beside him then reached down between Remi’s ass cheeks. Remi inhaled softly as he felt one finger breach his tight ass. “You always did make it hard for me to say no to you.”

“Well.” Remi chuckled then groaned when Drew began to work his ass. “It’s hard anyway.”

“Oh, yes it is.” Drew swooped down and raked his tongue across the head of Remi’s cock. “Just the way I like it.” Remi drew his legs up and let them drop to his sides. His breath stuttered in his throat when another finger sank into his ass. “No–no one does this to me, Drew.”

Drew growled and flashed Remi his canines. “And no one’d better.”

Remi grinned at the look of possessiveness his mate displayed. He watched as a blush crept across Drew’s face. Drew was still as charming as they day they met.

Drew’s hand circled Remi’s cock, licking the glistening liquid seeping out once again. Remi whimpered as he watched Drew’s tongue come out and lick the little drops away. Did anyone arouse him as much as this man? Hell no!

Remi went out of his mind as Drew moved slow, twisting his fingers until he found Remi’s prostate, and he grazed it.

“Oh, my god!” Remi shot up, crying out in pleasure. “I fucking love that.”

“This?” Drew asked as he stroked over it again and again, adding a third finger.


Pulling his fingers free, Drew rubbed his cockhead up and down over Remi’s puckered hole. He pushed slowly in, stopping when Remi sucked in a breath. When Remi nodded, Drew pushed in inch by slow inch until he was seated in Remi’s ass.

“God, pup, can’t get enough of you.” Remi panted. His right hand shot to his cock, circling the base to stop him from coming as Drew pushed into him. Remi took a deep breath then nodded his head, signaling Drew to move. Drew held Remi’s hips as he rocked back and forth, getting Remi’s body accustomed to his thick length. Once he felt the muscle loosen up, his thrusts became more demanding.

“You are so beautiful,” Remi said in a voice laced with desire. He felt dizzy with lust. He started stroking his cock to match Drew’s rhythm. Drew thrust harder. Remi stroked harder. His mate’s head fell back onto his shoulders. Remi’s knees slid further apart in an attempt to get Drew deeper.

“Remi, I—” Drew’s eyes darted to Remi’s neck.

Remi smiled and tilted his head. Drew struck, his small canines sinking into Remi’s shoulder. Remi cried out, and warm liquid filled his hand as his orgasm pulsed through his body. His body jerked as his balls were emptied.


Drew threw his head back as he roared his release, thrusting harder, deeper, filling Remi’s ass with his release. He leaned down and licked the wound closed as he collapsed on Remi’s chest.

“Love you, Remi,” Drew murmured.

“Love you, too, pup.”

There was a suspicious twinkle in Drew’s eyes when he raised his head. It should have warned Remi, but he was too busy basking in the afterglow. Stupid him.

“Love me enough to be in the play?”

Chapter 5

Storm and Kyoshi

Kyoshi stared at the manuscript in his hand. Was Maverick serious? He wanted Kyoshi to play a cow? Was Maverick serious?

Really? He growled as he dropped the manuscript on the bed and went in search of his cousin.

He found Keata running around the Den with Johnny, pink-and-orange sparkly wrapping paper shoved into their pockets. “Do you have to be in the play?” he asked his cousin as Keata ran past him.

Keata stopped and turned, panting heavily as he nodded his head.

“I’m a virgin!” He giggled and then started running after Johnny again.

Kyoshi groaned. Even Keata got a major part. How embarrassing was that? He turned around, heading into the den as he searched for anyone else who had a part in the play. Why were they having a play anyways? They’d never done that before. Kyoshi wasn’t sure if he liked the idea of being a cow. He didn’t even know how to moo.

He spotted Loco over by the pool table with Tryck. “Do any of you guys have to be in the play?”

Tryck snorted as he shook his head. “Hell, no. Maverick knows better than to stick my ass in a play.” Loco chuckled as he took his shot. “I’m one of the stagehands.” Kyoshi wanted to be a stagehand. He’d rather build something than be a damn cow. He watched as Maverick walked into the den and handed Tryck a manuscript.

“You got to be fucking kidding me!” Tryck shouted as he gaped at the papers in his hand.

“It’s for the kiddies. Deal with it,” Maverick said over his shoulder as he walked out.

“What part do you play?” Kyoshi asked Tryck.

Tryck flipped through the pages and then groaned. “I’m the innkeeper.”

Kyoshi wanted to be the innkeeper. He didn’t want to be no stinking cow.

“What the fuck does an innkeeper do?” Tryck asked as he tossed the manuscript aside.

“Check people into the Holiday Inn,” Loco said as he began to laugh hysterically. Tryck growled as Kyoshi walked away. Why did he have to be a stinking cow?

He walked into the foyer and down the hallway, grumbling to himself about his part in the play.

His head snapped up when he smelled something burning. Kyoshi shifted into his cat form and followed the scent, sniffing the air until he ended up in the kitchen. George was cursing up a storm as he bent at the waist and pulled something from the oven.

“Damn it! That’s the second batch ruined,” George mumbled as he tossed the pot holder onto the counter. “I need a new dang oven.” Kyoshi yowled, alerting George that he was in the kitchen.

George spun around and then smiled down at Kyoshi. “Hey, kitty. Ya want a burnt cookie?”

Kyoshi hissed and then trotted out of the kitchen.

“Better get one now before I toss them!” George shouted to Kyoshi.

He may be a cat, but that didn’t mean he ate burnt cookies. Kyoshi padded to his bedroom and then shifted, grabbing some clothes to put on. He noticed a cow costume on the bed. No way! He was not wearing that. It was hideous as hell. There were fake udders sticking straight up, taunting Kyoshi, mocking him for his part in the play.

Next to the costume was a green thong.

Kyoshi lifted the scantly laced thong up, examining it. He smiled when he thought of Storm seeing him prancing around in the skimpy material. There was a stocking where his cock should go, and a chimney where his balls should rest. Very cool.

Kyoshi slipped the thong in place, moving the string around, trying his best to make things more comfortable around his butt. How did people wear these things?

Oh well, if Storm wanted to see Kyoshi in them, he would wear them. It took a moment for Kyoshi to get used to the string running up the crease of his ass, but he managed and then walked back downstairs.

He wanted to find Storm to let his mate know he had it on. Kyoshi grew excited when he thought how aroused his mate would be when he saw it. He bet Storm would show his gratitude in all the wicked ways Kyoshi loved.

“Did you get your costume?” Cecil asked as he walked with Kyoshi to the kitchen. It was late afternoon, and he knew Storm would be in the kitchen hunting down a snack. Storm loved his snacks.

“You’re the one who left that hideous thing on my bed?” Kyoshi asked as he screwed his face up. The urge to reach out and strangle Cecil was very strong, almost as strong as Kyoshi’s need to strangle Maverick for coming up with the damned idea of putting on a play in the first place.

“Oh, come on. It’s not that bad,” Cecil said and then snickered.

“At least you’re not a goat.”

Kyoshi stopped as he looked at Cecil in amazement. “Who is the goat?”

Cecil shook his head. “Not telling. You’ll see soon enough.” He laughed as they entered the kitchen.

Kyoshi spotted Storm right away. His long, blond braid running down his back was a sight Kyoshi adored. He had an urge to wrap that braid around his body and tickle his skin with the soft strands.

As Storm bent over to grab something from the refrigerator, Kyoshi’s cock started to get hard.

“Jingle balls, jingle balls, jingle all the way…”
Kyoshi stared down at his groin in horror. His cock was singing! Holy hell! He glanced around the room as the five warriors who were standing there stared slack-jawed at him.

George grabbed the fire extinguisher and pointed it at Kyoshi’s cock.

“No!” Kyoshi shouted, but it was too late. George had doused him with white foam.

“Is it still attacking ya?” George asked and then snickered.

“Dragonfly!” Storm shouted as he dropped the snack in his hand and ran across the room. Kyoshi stood there mortified as he glared at the men in the room and then down at his groin. What the hell just happened? Kyoshi growled as he tried to wipe the foam from his body. It was a singing cock, not a man-eating cock!

“Are you okay?” Storm asked, but the way he curled his lips in told Kyoshi he was fighting not to smile.

He narrowed his eyes as he stared up at his mate. “Why would you give me a singing thong?”

“I didn’t give you a singing thong, dragonfly. I didn’t give you any thong.” Storm tilted his head to the side as he looked down at Kyoshi. His arms crossed over his massive chest as he cocked an eyebrow. “But I’d be mighty interested to know who did.”

“How does it work?” George asked and then snickered. When Kyoshi cut a glare at him, George held his hands up. “Just askin’. I want to get Tank one.”

Kyoshi threw his arms up as he spun on his heel and walked out of the kitchen. He was going to find out who left the thong for him and then strangle them.

Storm chased after him, grabbing Kyoshi around his waist and lifting him off of his feet. “I swear, dragonfly, I didn’t leave those for you.”

Kyoshi went limp in Storm’s arms as he shrugged. “Someone left them for me to wear. I hope whoever did this gets boils on his balls.” Storm winced. “That’s kind of harsh.” Kyoshi crossed his arms over his chest. “So was having my cock sing to the entire room.”

Storm growled as he carried Kyoshi up the stairs. Kyoshi knew that growl. That growl meant that Storm wanted Kyoshi in the worst possible way. He was all for that.

Even if he didn’t have a singing cock.

“I want to see this damn thong.” He kicked the bedroom door open, walking in and setting Kyoshi on his feet. Storm closed the door and locked it. “Show me, dragonfly.” There was a gleam in his mate’s eye as Storm licked his lips.

Kyoshi forgot about being mad as he stripped his pants off, showing off his butt to his mate. He knew Storm loved seeing his naked butt.

“Damn,” Storm whispered as Kyoshi spun around. The lust in his mate’s eyes had Kyoshi getting hard as a rock again.

“Jingle balls, jingle balls, jingle all the way…”
Kyoshi smacked a hand over his face. This was so embarrassing.

“Are you sure you did not buy this for me?” Storm shook his head as he looped over to Kyoshi, the predator rising to the surface. Kyoshi forgot about the stupid song as Storm wrapped his strong arms around Kyoshi and dropped him on the bed.

“Get on your hands and knees,” Storm commanded as he snapped the piece of dental floss hiding in Kyoshi’s crease. He yelped as he looked over his shoulder. Storm was standing there smiling, looking so damn edible.

His hole quivered when a finger brushed up against it. He felt his cheeks separate then the finger push in.

Kyoshi mewled as Storm stretched him. The feelings washing through him had his skin buzzing. He pushed back onto Storm’s large fingers as his mate gripped his hip.

“You’re still so tight, dragonfly,” Storm’s strong voice became wrapped around his head like a hypnotic spell. His body felt alive as Storm inserted another finger inside in him. His hands clenched the sheets as Storm scissored his fingers, grazing over Kyoshi’s prostate.

He cried out as his cock became unbelievably harder.

“Jingle balls, jingle balls, jingle all the way…”

“Get this damn thing off of me,” Kyoshi complained as he reached behind him and pulled at the thin strap.

Storm chuckled as he swatted at Kyoshi’s hand. “I like it. Leave it on, dragonfly.”

Kyoshi groaned as he lowered his head. Did Storm really like his singing cock? Men!

Kyoshi forgot about the damn thing as his shoulders touched the mattress, allowing his backside to rise higher. He was so damn horny that he was about to beg his mate to fuck him when Storm pulled his fingers free and pushed his cock in slowly, inching his way in as Kyoshi’s head fell back and he moaned out his pleasure.

“More.” He breathed out in need.

“What’s this?” Storm asked as he picked the cow costume up.

Kyoshi grabbed the garment and tossed it across the room.

“Stupid cow.”

“Is there something I should know?” Storm asked as he spanned a hand across Kyoshi’s back, racking his fingernails softly down Kyoshi’s spine.

“Yeah, fuck me. That’s all we need to discuss right now.” The bed dipped as Storm moved in behind him. Storm growled as he snapped the damn thong once more. Kyoshi was going to burn the damn thing as soon as he got it off of his body. His thoughts scattered as Storm entered him. Kyoshi breathed through the burn as he pushed back onto his mate’s cock.

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