A Beautiful Thought (The Beautiful Series) (12 page)

Read A Beautiful Thought (The Beautiful Series) Online

Authors: Alicia Rae

Tags: #Contemporary romance

BOOK: A Beautiful Thought (The Beautiful Series)
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“What I’ve been dying to do since yesterday,” he replied hoarsely, not bothering to hide the suggestiveness in his tone, which I loved.

“Oh, yeah?” I teased. I let my hands roam over his backside, reveling in his firm, impeccably shaped ass cheeks.

He gently tossed me onto his bed and crawled over me. I snuck my bare feet into the waistband of his gray lounging pants and boxers and tugged them down. His firm length jutted forward.

“And what’s that?” I queried.

His eyes sparkled with need. “To kiss you…everywhere”—he tossed his shirt over his head—“until you’re wet and quivering with need beneath me”—he yanked me closer to him—“and begging me to take you.”

He got rid of my shirt along with my bra.

“And will you…take me?” I asked innocently.

I attempted to squeeze my legs together around him in hopes of easing the ache at the apex of my thighs, which was pointless. His effect on me was too strong.

His breathing deepened audibly, and I could tell he was as turned-on as I was. He slowly stripped me of my pajama pants and undies. While slightly sitting back on his haunches, he lifted my leg and delicately kissed the arch of my foot, and I moaned.

He finally crooned, “With pleasure,” against my skin.

He leisurely trailed his warm lips up my leg. When he reached my inner thigh, he opened his mouth and licked a small circle before placing a kiss. I squirmed beneath him, feeling my core heat, as I stifled my plea. He shifted onto his stomach and raised my legs, setting my feet on his shoulders.

“Hold them there,” he said with his face hovering above my sex.

His thumb came to my clit, softly rubbing the tender flesh, while he pressed two fingers inside me. His mouth connected with my folds, teasing and lapping them. He kept all three movements going in perfect sync.

I wove my fingers in his dark hair and tightened my hold as my legs began to shake. A light sheen of sweat broke out across my skin as my insides flared with desire beyond reason. Muscles deep within me clenched on the brink of release. His tongue took the place of his fingers, thrusting forward, and the warm moisture had me crying out. I pushed my hips into him as my orgasm rippled through me, starting at my center and moving outward with its fierceness.

“That was—” I broke off, gasping for air.

Damon shook his head and grinned. “Just the warm-up, sweetheart,” he rasped, leaning back on his haunches again.

He flipped me over to my stomach and helped me onto my knees. I heard the tear of the condom wrapper before he sheathed himself, and then his strong hands connected with my back, making long strokes up and down.

“Your body is so beautiful, Gail.”

I panted into the pillow beneath my head.

His hands came down to my behind and gripped my cheeks. “And this ass drives me wild,” he added in a raw voice.

I wiggled it at him, and a growl tore from his throat as he came forward. I loved the feel of his weight on me. His hard length brushed against my center. I was still so sensitive from my last orgasm, and I knew it would only take the slightest touch to push me over the edge again. My body craved him that much.

Damon rocked his hips slightly into me, teasing my sex, as he slid along my wetness. One hand skimmed around my side to my stomach and moved all the way up to capture my breast. He gently squeezed and kneaded it within his palm. His hand moved upward to cradle my jaw. He rotated my face and brought our mouths together. He nipped at my bottom lip, and then he kissed me hard as if claiming me with his mouth. I fucking loved it.

On his next forward thrust, I rocked my hips back against him. With one long, languid movement, he fully seated himself. As he started to ride me hard, I pushed back against him with more determination. I could feel the wild thump of my pulse throughout my body, and the heady rush was building within me.

Slightly repositioning himself, he stretched his hand between our bodies, and he gently pressed his thumb against the center of my backside. The feeling was out of this world. My eyes closed as I went taut around him, and my orgasm ripped from my core, shattering into oblivion.

Damon’s hands gripped my hips as he found his own release. He carefully collapsed over me, bracing his weight on his arms. His mouth came to the center of my shoulder blades, and he placed affectionate kisses on my skin, trailing them from one shoulder before going back across the middle to the opposing side. Then, he maneuvered himself to dispose of the condom before returning to the bed. With a certain tenderness that pulled at my heart, he cradled me into his arms.

I couldn’t think of a better way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

“I hope that cooler is full of beer, bro, or I’m going to send you right back the way you came,” Jason said to Kyle as he turned on the radio for the office-painting party.

Abbey and I had opened all the windows to ventilate the place.

Thank goodness the building was full of them.

“Of course I did, man,” Kyle scoffed as he set the blue cooler down right next to the stereo. “You can’t have a painting party without cold beer.”

“You got that right,” Damon chimed in, sauntering over to the guys.

Kyle passed out drinks to Damon and Jason, and then he offered Abbey and me each one as we all congregated around the front door.

“Not you, beautiful,” Kyle said. He gave his wife a chaste kiss and grinned as he handed her a clear bottle. “You get a water.”

Lily playfully glared at him. “I’ll remember that when you want baby number two.” She grabbed the keys from her husband. She could not stay around the paint fumes, so she was heading out to pick up a few small supplies from the hardware store.

Kyle let out a low chuckle and pulled Lily in for a hug. “And number three.”

“Three!” Jason exclaimed, pretending to be dizzy. “You’ll be outnumbered!”

“Nah,” Abbey cut in. “You’ll just need to learn how to juggle.”

I gave Abbey a perplexed yet amused look. “Are you planning to juggle?”

“We’ve only agreed on
,” Jason piped in, wrapping his arms around Abbey and nuzzling her neck.

Abbey teasingly shoved at his chest and smirked. “So far.”
Then, she glanced at me. “I’ll get my third. You just wait and see.”

“I have no doubt.” Damon laughed.

“Jason would never say no to Abbey because he’s a complete pushover when it comes to her,” Kyle added.

“Am not,” Jason retorted, popping open his beer before he took a swig.

“Are, too,” Abbey countered.

“Fine, baby, but only with you.” Jason kissed her cheek.

We all laughed and opened our drinks. The cold beer was refreshing, and it was just what I’d needed. I was ready to tackle this painting thing.

“Wait!” I chortled. “Should we be drinking while painting? What happens if we screw it up?”

“Then, we paint over it again,” Abbey easily answered.

“In that case, we might be here forever.” I snorted.

“Fine by me as long as we have more beer.” Jason chuckled.

“Don’t have too much fun without me,” Lily said to Kyle. She gave him an affectionate kiss, and they murmured, “Good-bye,” to one another.

“Hey! Do that in private!” Jason chided. “We’ve got work to do.”

“I’m going, I’m going,” Lily huffed, striding toward the door with an adorably cute sway of her hips that only a pregnant mama could pull off.

I stifled my smile as she left. Kyle was so smitten with her, and she with him. It was endearing to witness.

Damon and Kyle prepped all the paint, pouring it into separate trays for everyone. Damon and I started on the back wall while Jason and Abbey took the west wall facing the street. Kyle grabbed a small brush, and he began to trim the ceiling, windows, and doors. We all worked side by side while listening to some classic rock. Abbey and I probably would have preferred hip-hop, but I figured we would never get away with that while working with three guys.

Within a few hours, the guys all got on ladders to reach the higher part of the walls while Abbey and I worked on the front office area.

“So, lady”—Abbey perked a brow my way, coming closer to me—“you and I have some catching up to do.”

“Oh, boy.” I laughed. “Here we go.”

She pointed her brush over at me. “Don’t even think of trying to be evasive, or I’ll pry the answers right out of you.”

“Jeez!” I exclaimed quietly. “Since when did you become the prying type?”

“Since you started dating my future brother-in-law,” she answered good-naturedly. “So, I need details—now.”

I stroked my roller up and down the wall while gathering my thoughts, and I shrugged, not sure what to say. “Damon and I are…having fun,” I replied. “We haven’t really put a label on it or anything.”

“Do you want to?” she asked.

“Part of me screams
,” I answered truthfully. I took a quick glance at the man who could steal my breath with just one look. Then, I turned back to Abbey. “And the other part knows it’s too soon to say what is happening between us. I think we need more time.”

“Love never happens according to a proper timeline,” Abbey reminded me. “Just look at Jason and me, and Kyle and Lily, too.”

“Fairy tales don’t happen for everyone, Abbey.” I shook my head. “Life just doesn’t always work that way.”

“Oh, you’re going to get your fairy tale, all right,” Abbey countered, “even if I have to pray to the fairy godmothers.”

I rolled my eyes at her theatrics. “Okay, Mother Hen.” I snickered at my dear friend, acknowledging she was always trying to help someone, no matter the case. It reminded me of my own mom and her motherly ways.

“Seriously, Gail…” Abbey’s eyes sobered.

I held my breath, trying to guess what she was going to say. She was one of the very few who knew all the gory details of my train-wreck dating history.

“Open up your heart, and give Damon an honest chance. I didn’t get that crazy thought in my head back at our dinner date for nothing. He’s a great guy.”

“He’s a wonderful man,” I agreed, knowing she was undeniably correct about him. “He’s thoughtful, caring, honest, genuine, and compassionate.” I grinned. “He’s also too damn sexy for his own good.”

“Well, then”—Abbey laughed—“it seems you might have made progress after all.”

“I guess so.” I winked as it dawned on me. My head might not want to let Damon in, but my heart already had. The two just needed to find common ground.


It had been another two blissful weeks of living with Damon. Today, I planned on taking a leap of faith. I was going to ask him to have dinner with my family and me.

Still lying in bed, I turned over and snuggled into Damon’s side. My hands were unable to resist caressing up and down his divinely toned chest. His body was positively sinful.

Damon stirred beneath my touch, and he opened his eyes. “Hey you,” he whispered, giving me a genuine smile.

The look made my chest warm.

“What has you up so early?” he asked.

“Well…” I said, feeling in good spirits.
Who wouldn’t feel good when waking up to this hunk?
“I got used to this ox stomping around and waking me up extra early on weekday mornings, so I now find myself unable to sleep in.”

“That sounds terrible.” He chuckled, drawing me close. His hands made soothing circles on the small of my back. “And what does this
happen to look like?”

“Well, he’s over six feet tall, and he has ridiculous muscle tone that I can’t seem to keep my hands off of.” I ran my palms over him again, making him grin devilishly. “And he has impeccable timing when it comes to draining all the hot water right before my shower.”

“How do you live with such a beast?” he teased, playing along.

I let out an exasperated yet dreamy sigh, going for theatrics. “His good looks keep me going.”

“At least he has that going for him,” Damon said before drawing me in for a long kiss.

I melted into him, succumbing to his talented mouth.

Then, he pulled back an inch while still keeping us close. “And how could he possibly make up for all these inconveniences he has bestowed on you?”

I gazed into his eyes and dug deep within me for courage. “You could have dinner with my family and me tonight?” I asked in a hopeful tone.

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