2#Unlikely Mates: BBW Shifter/Vampire Romance (4 page)

BOOK: 2#Unlikely Mates: BBW Shifter/Vampire Romance
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threw her a half smile which heated her blood even in the middle of a busy
diner. “It would be no effort whatsoever. Human bones crack easily.” He

shook her head, still giggling but stopped when his eyes turned serious. “What
that jerk said to you was a load of bullshit.” He looked thoughtful for a few
seconds. “Then again, most of it was bull. The part about you having really great
breasts was accurate. Your ass is…” His eyes looked drugged for a few seconds
and he made a pained noise. “Amazing…I have never seen better. I have a
confession to make, I might just be in love with your ass, Becky.”

laughed at his goofy expression. “Stop.” Becky hit his arm, which was rock
freaking hard.

shook his head, lowering his voice. “I’m serious. I love your ass. So much so
that I want to hold onto it while I’m pounding into your…” He paused, a look
of…hurt flashed across his face. “Why did you send me that message? Why don’t
you think it’s a good idea to spend the night together?” She had to be mistaken
about the look. They may have known each other for several months. Texted back
and forth, but they’d only actually seen each other a handful of times. How
could her not showing hurt him?

groaned, putting a hand over her face. “I don’t want to talk about it. Just
trust me, it’s not a good idea okay?”

shook his head, his dark eyes zoned in on her. “No, it’s not okay. I don’t
understand why we can’t—”

may develop feelings for you, Ross, and that wouldn’t be a good idea. Even
worse, you might start feeling something for me.” She shook her head. “Trust
me, you don’t want that.”

Chapter 4



was all in already. Especially now that he knew they were highly compatible. He
couldn’t wait to have the human again. To find out everything about her.

face was distraught, like developing feelings for him was the worst thing in
the world. Then he had a thought that concerned him greatly. “Is it because I’m
not human?”

the second person that’s asked me that today. Do I look like the type that
would randomly discriminate like that? Did a swastika tattoo suddenly appear on
my forehead?”

what?” Ross frowned.

a German symbol…never mind. Do you really think I would have let you fuck me
earlier if I had a problem with non-humans? Wait just a minute.” She held up a
hand. “How did you find us?”

had to smile. “You keep forgetting that I am not a human. You left a trail even
a deaf, dumb and blind vampire could find.” Ross sighed. “Back to your earlier
comment. You may have let me fuck you but that doesn’t mean anything. Many
human females, including mated ones, want us to rut them. Not that we are
allowed to generally mate humans that is. Anyway, it does not mean that they
want us to be with them.”

you have a point, but no I don’t have a problem with you being a vampire.” Her
brow wrinkled in the cutest little frown. “Wait…that’s not entirely true.”

heart rate kicked up a gear. “What do you mean?”

server brought them their salads. When her eyes landed on him, they looked like
they would pop out of her skull. Thankfully they moved to Griffin, who sat on
the opposite side of the booth with the other human. But then they settled back
on him, looking like they were there to stay. “Can I get you gentlemen
something to eat and drink?” She ended on a giggle.

are not gentlem—” Ross started to correct the server but Becky cut him off.

cokes and nothing to eat.” Becky ordered for them which was fine with him
because he wouldn’t know what to choose anyways. His female’s mouth pulled into
a tight line. “Thank you,” she added, sounding sarcastic.

server didn’t leave, she was still staring down at him. Ross knew that look
well, when a female looked at him in that way it meant that she wanted to rut.

Becky clicked her fingers. “You can go now.”

his female, the server addressed him. “I don’t usually do this, but can I give
you my number?” Her cheeks turned crimson and her pulse raced.

female was getting upset, which irritated him. Ross had to work to stay
cordial. “No”—he cleared his throat—“I’m not interested. I already have a
female.” He tightened his grip on Becky who leaned back into him. It made him
feel good since her return of affection meant that she was showing possession.

server smiled. “If you change your mind, you know where to find me.”

Becky tried to pull out of his arms but Ross tightened his grip. “He so
freaking will n—”

will not change my mind. Becky is the only one for me.” He interrupted his
female, but knew she would understand.

server frowned. “Pity.” Then she turned to his human. “You’re one lucky girl.”

relaxed. “I’m hungry.” It was his female’s way of ignoring the server. She turned
away from the human, who sighed and walked away. “The nerve of that woman,”
Becky muttered under her breath.

care,” Ross said.

thought it was rude.” Becky put some food in her mouth and chewed. “That’s it.”

were jealous.” Ross said, feeling really good all of a sudden. Becky may have
told him that she didn’t want them to meet, but her whole demeanor told him

was so not.” She picked up a piece of chicken and popped it into her mouth and
then licked her fingers.

could feel that he was grinning, but he just didn’t care. “You were jealous.”

so was freaking not. Go and get her number if you want. See if I care.”

He made to stand.

do you think you’re doing?” Becky glared at him, an adorable look of rage
graced her beautiful face.

my legs. I would never go after that female or any other, not with you at my
side.” He sat back down and pulled her against him.

was really funny.” She made a mock laughing noise for some reason. “I meant it,
you can so get her number.” She was trying hard to make it sound like she
didn’t care, but he knew differently.

fought to suppress a smile. His female didn’t want to share him and it made him
feel overjoyed. “I want to go back to your place now. Please, can we get the
food to go?” Ross didn’t mind the staring but he was afraid his female wouldn’t
feel the same, besides he really wanted to be alone with her.

Becky looked up from her meal and noticed that all the female patrons were
openly staring at their table. There were also a couple of aggressive stares
from the males. This was why they generally stayed clear of Sweetwater.

I forget to mention that although Zane gave his blessing, Brant knows nothing
about my being here?” Ross raised his eyebrows. “Maybe we shouldn’t draw

late for that.” Becky put up her hand motioning to their server. “Can we get
these to go and the check please?”

server nodded while not taking her eyes off of him. Ross nuzzled into Becky’s
neck to make it clear to all that she was the one he wanted. Besides, he
greatly enjoyed her delicious scent.

the server walked away with the plates, he added. “I still wish to continue our
conversation. You need to tell me why you have a problem with my being a

sucked in a breath but he covered her lips with his index finger. “You can fill
me in on the details once we get to your place.”

not sure that’s a good idea.” Her soft, succulent lips moved against his finger
sending shivers down his spine. He removed his hand and covered her mouth with
his. Ross nipped at her lower lip. When Becky moaned softly, he used the
opportunity to invade her mouth with a quick swipe of his tongue against hers.
He felt her shiver in his arms. It gave him untold joy to know that he had this
effect on her, regardless of how much she tried to push him away and to pretend
that she didn’t care. Ross allowed her to withdraw. Her lips glistened and her
eyes were hooded. A collective sigh sounded around the room, including from
across the table.

you like to kiss, female?” Griffin asked Elisabeth.

dark haired human turned so red, he was made to think of the soft succulent
fruits that the human’s liked to eat. “Um”—she licked her lips—“I guess so.” It
also made him think of blood, and his eyes dropped to the porcelain skin on his
female’s neck.

looked like he needed to have a little chat with Griffin. The male was here to
ensure that Becky did not come to any harm. If he was too busy rutting this
female then he might not notice that Ross had gone into a bloodlust frenzy. As
much as he wanted to, Ross did not plan on taking from his delectable human but
mistakes happened. He would never be able to forgive himself if a mistake cost
his female her life. There was also the extra factor that such an occurrence
would cause major trouble with the humans as well. All non-humans could end up
being badly affected.

problem was that her scent was just so utterly intoxicating. When he had been
buried deep inside her hot pussy, his fangs had extended to the point of pain.
A driving force had ridden him hard to drink from her. It would be all too easy
to just forget himself.

would like very much to kiss you,” Griffin whispered into the human’s ear and
she giggled. He had better talk fast, at this rate, his second would be of no
use to him.

server brought the packed food and the check, which he took from her.

will pay for that.” Becky tried to take the paper from him but he held it out
of her reach. He grabbed some money out of his pocket and handed it to the

pulled a face at him. “I am a capable self sufficient woman.”

that I have no doubt.” He tugged her against him as they exited the eating
establishment. The other human and Griffin trailed behind.


drove the SUV with Elisabeth up front, while he and Becky sat in the back. He
pulled the lush female onto his lap.

I need to buckle up. Accidents happen you know.” She gave him a light slap on
his arm.

got you.” He used the opportunity to pull her closer while banding his arms
around her soft, succulent body. Loving the feeling of her ass in his lap and
her luscious mammary glands partially plastered against his chest. He so longed
to have her straddle him so that he could have all of her completely pushed up against

right, I’m so dead if we’re in a serious accident.” The hand that had slapped
him before curled around his shoulder now.

had to chuckle and he shook his head. “I assure you that you are much safer in
my arms than in any human contraption. I will shield you and die before I allow
anything to happen to you.”

held his gaze for a few seconds and he could swear that he saw her eyes
glisten, then she looked away. “Fine,” she huffed, trying to sound irritated
but failing. Her other little hand curled around the bicep on his other arm.

was going to be pissed when he told his king that his feelings for this female
had grown instead of diminishing. After all the months of texting, he felt like
he knew her. Her ignoring him since the birth of Stephany’s babies had been
hell. Now that compatibility had been proven, he would not be deterred.

didn’t get a chance to thank you for all you did for Stephany even knowing that
it might bring trouble to your door.” He spoke into the soft shell of her ear.

shrugged. “It’s what friends do. I’m just glad that asshole king had the good
sense to fix the damages to my clinic.” She threw him a smile. “The place
actually looks much better after the revamp, but please don’t tell him that.
The last thing that one needs is a boost to his already over-freaking-flowing

had to chuckle. “Zane is even more egocentric but he is a little more even

don’t know how Tanya puts up with those two. The way Brant treated Ward and
Stephany was just appalling. Please tell me that they are treating my friend well.
I mean, she seems happy.”

smiled. “They treat your friend like she is the finest gold but at the same
time like a delicate flower. She is everything to them.” He had to chuckle.
“Just be thankful that you were not at the castle when they returned from
Stephany’s birthing and she found out what had gone down. It was like a great
tornado blew its way through the north tower.”

cracked a smile. “I can just picture it. The foot stomping and yelling must
have been a sight to see.”

a delicate little flower…” Ross shook his head. “They were forced to carefully
restrain the queen because she was hurting herself.”

female’s eyes widened and her whole body tensed. “Hurting herself how?”

misunderstand. She was using her little fists against the kings and hurting herself
in the process. Her little feet were bruised for days afterwards from kicking

seemed to like this because she burst out laughing. “Go Tan go…oh, I so wish I
could’ve been there to see that.”

do you say it…BBF is still not speaking to Brant.”

made a little snorting noise. “I think you mean BFF which stands for best
friends forever.”

bad, I am still learning all the human slang. BFF and slut are my new words for
the day.” Ross smiled while glancing out the window of the moving vehicle.

It couldn’t be.

hands instinctively clasped Becky tighter. “Make a left at that slipway.”

What are—” Griffin said.

do it!” he snapped back.

did as he said.

over.” He instructed as soon as they turned into the side lane.

turned back with a quizzical look on his face. “I’m all for making out in a
side alley, but don’t you think that four would be a crowd?” The human next to
Griffin blushed. It was like she had an on and off switch.

ignored them both. “I’m pretty sure I spotted three elves outside of that one
store. They were dressed like humans, but that long blond hair and those
pointed ears were a dead giveaway.”

frowned. “You had to have been mistaken. Elves stay clear of humans.”

almost positive,” Ross answered.

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