06 Uncovering Hidden Treasure (4 page)

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Authors: Karen Ward

Tags: #Wounded in Wyoming

BOOK: 06 Uncovering Hidden Treasure
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Stump, Rance Kincaid, is having the most
erotic dream of his life. He is lying on his back on a comfortable
bed and a woman is slowly moving her soft hands all over his chest.
Oh, Baby, yes! When she brushes her nails across his nipple he
jerks uncontrollably and she removes her hands. No! Please don't
stop! Touch me, please touch me. Then she places her soft hands
back on his chest and begins caressing him again. Yes! Oh, yes!
She's not saying anything but he can hear her ragged breathing as
she caresses him. His heart rate speeds up and his breathing is

Then she moves her hands down over his
stomach. She lightly scores the skin around his navel with her
nails causing an erotic feeling that is completely new to him. Oh,
man! He had no idea that was one of his erotic zones. Then she
moves her hands lower to his shaft. Oh Baby yes! She's moving her
fingers lightly over him now and he is growing harder and harder.
Wow! He's going to explode!

Then she throws her leg over him and
straddles him, his heart is pounding now and he can feel a fine
sheen of perspiration breaking out on his body. She puts her
breasts against his chest and starts moving them around and around.
Oh man, he's definitely going to lose it! Then she slowly slides
down his body and his shaft is sliding inside her. What an
unbelievable feeling! No, wait! What is that? Oh Shit! This woman
is a virgin! Then she impales herself completely on him. Oh no!
Then he thinks, oh dear God, it's too late. Please don't stop!
Move, please move!

When she just lies against his chest
unmoving, he moves his hands to her hips and lifts her up his
length and then pulls her back down. Yes, that's it. He raises her
again and pulls her down on his length. Ahhhhh, yes. Please, keep
moving. This dream feels almost real!


Samantha is shocked when she feels his hands
move to her hips and she freezes in fear. Then he picks her up off
of him. She feels him leaving her body and she cries out in grief,
then he pulls her back down on his length and relief washes through
her. He raises her again and pulls her back down and she begins to
move with him. Yes, this is magnificent! The friction of their
bodies rocking together is delicious and Sam is beginning to feel a
coiling tension in her private area. Could that be the beginnings
of ... damn, what did the magazines call it? Oh yeah, a climax? She
doesn't know.


Stump is in heaven. This woman is so tight
and his shaft feels like it is sheathed in a hot, moist glove. As
his shaft slides in and out of her warmth, Stump's heart rate
speeds up and his breathing becomes more ragged. He breaks out into
a full sweat. Oh man, this is fabulous! He can feel himself nearing
completion so he moves one of his hands to where their bodies are
joined and he applies added pressure to her sensitive nub. He feels
her jerk at the first contact so he massages her harder and then
she clenches tightly around his shaft and he hears her cry out in
ecstasy just as he plunges over the edge into oblivion. Yes! Oh
God, yes! Now that was some dream! And he slips deeper into
unconsciousness as her feminine muscles milk him dry.


Sam is slowly rocking back and forth enjoying
the friction of their joining when he moves a hand to where their
bodies are joined. When she rocks back on his hand it causes a
feeling so glorious she feels her body jerk in response. It feels
like she's about to explode as shivers slide through her. Then on
the next stroke she does explode. She crashes through the barriers
of the universe and flies out into space. She hears her cries and
when she floats back to earth she is still lying atop Stump, his
shaft still buried deep within her. Oh wow! No wonder the girls
talked about how great sex is! She is so relaxed, too tired to even
move and she drifts into a deep sleep as the glorious shivers
continue to flow through her body.


Several hours later Stump slowly comes awake
and feels the warm softness of a woman curled against his chest,
her hair draped down his sides. He feels her warm breath tickling
his neck. Then he realizes his shaft is buried deep in her warmth.
The remnants of his dream flow into his mind. Maybe it wasn't a
dream after all. His body immediately responds to the memory by
sending all of his blood to his male member. It is still pitch dark
in the room so he can't see the woman but he's not going to
question providence at this point.

He slowly rolls to his side, careful to keep
their bodies joined, then to his elbows covering her with his body.
He finds her delicate ear and begins nibbling. He slowly makes his
way to her lips. When he plunges his tongue past the barrier of her
teeth and tastes the sweetness within he nearly loses his control.
Oh God! She is so sweet! He kisses her deeply plunging his tongue
in and out of the moist recesses drinking in her warm

When she puts her arms around his neck and
he's sure she's completely awake, he starts to move within her,
slowly moving in and out of her warmth. She is hot and slick. Oh
God, this is fabulous! The sounds of her moans of pleasure are
driving him ever upward. He speeds their rhythm and whispers, "Put
your legs around me Sweetheart."


Sam is awakened by someone nibbling on her
ear and remembrance flows through her. She starts to panic and when
she opens her mouth to protest Stump shoves his tongue into her
mouth kissing her in a way she's never been kissed before. Shivers
of excitement flow through her and her stomach does a somersault.
The sensations the kiss is creating in her abdomen are so
delicious. Her heart starts pounding and she feels his shaft hard
inside of her. She reaches her arms up placing them around his neck
and pulls him closer craving the feelings his kiss is creating.
Then he starts moving within her. That glorious friction, yes, she
loves that friction. When he tells her to put her legs around him,
she obeys immediately wrapping her legs around his waist and moving
in rhythm with him. He is pounding within her now and he lowers his
head and takes her mouth with his, delving deeply into her
sweetness. When he raises his head, he is breathing raggedly and he
says, "Come with me Sweetheart, let's fly away together."

At his words Sam feels her insides clench and
when he slams against her she crashes over into the world beyond
reality where lovers go. She hears herself cry out in ecstasy and
he smothers her cry with another deep kiss.

As they drift back to earth, Stump moves to
her side and pulls her close against him. Then he pulls the
blankets around them. Lying there with this remarkable woman in his
arms Stump thinks "Yep, this is the one. This is the woman I want
to spend the rest of my life with." He has never had a stronger
orgasm or enjoyed sex more with any other woman. Just thinking
about her and how she is so responsive to him makes him grow hard
again. A warm glow of happiness surrounds him as he drifts back to

As soon as she is sure Stump is asleep again,
Sam slides out of bed and heads for the bathroom. She showers and
dresses in her ranger uniform as quickly as she can and slips out
of the apartment. Oh God, what has she done? Her Grandpa always
told her that her impetuous nature was going to get her into
trouble one of these days, and she hates to admit it, but she is in
trouble. Stump is going to be furious when he wakes up and realizes
he had sex with her. It is completely and totally her fault too, if
she had just left well enough alone, she wouldn't be in this mess.
Damn Samantha!

She is driving around the park in a daze. She
thinks back over the events that led up to her making the decision
that got her into this mess. She couldn't just leave him at that
bar in his defenseless condition and at the mercy of those
construction guys. They would have killed him for sure. She is not
ashamed of rescuing him from that bar. In fact, she is proud she
did that.

She is not even ashamed of taking him back to
her apartment. She had to do that, it was the closest place and
really her only option. Well, she could have called Scoot or Pinky.
They would have come to get him, but she didn't do that. No, she
had to undress him and take advantage of his drugged state. Damn
Sam! How stupid can one girl get?

She's going to have to apologize to him. She
has no other option. She really did go too far this time. Her
stomach rolls painfully with guilt. Yes, she'll go over to Rock
Springs Ranch right after her shift and apologize. She hopes that
is where he's going and not back to work. Oh God, what if he goes
back to work at the construction site and those guys do something
to hurt him? He probably doesn't even remember being drugged. Oh
no, she's got to go back home and warn him. She turns her car
around and speeds back to the apartment complex, her heart pounding
with fear.


Stump slowly comes awake. He is completely
relaxed and feels better than he has in months. A slow smile
crosses his face. The first thing he realizes is that he is alone
in the bed and disappointment flows through him. He opens his eyes
and looks around the strange apartment and listens carefully. He
doesn't remember coming here and he thinks he must be alone because
he doesn't hear any sounds of movement in the apartment.

Lying in the comfortable bed he tries to
remember what happened the previous night. He got off work from the
construction site, showered, and went to that little bar in town,
Mel's, yeah, that's it. Susie wasn't working and he remembers being
terribly disappointed. He had eaten his usual burger and fries and
drank two beers, his usual limit, and then everything is completely
blank. He doesn't remember another thing until he woke up in the
middle of the night with that luscious body curled up on top of
him. Wow! That was the best sex of his life! If he could just
remember how he got here? Who is the woman? Could it have been
Susie? Wouldn't that be awesome? Well, she left him here alone so
maybe if he looks around he can glean some information. Why can't
he remember?

He climbs out of bed and starts looking
around the floor for his clothes. His head is groggy and his limbs
feel like they weigh a ton. What's wrong with him? That is when he
sees it, the blood on the sheets and the memory of the dream comes
flooding back. Oh God, no! In his dream, he remembers, the woman
had been a virgin! Oh dear God, what has he done? Did he seduce a
virgin? He has always prided himself on staying away from
inexperienced women. He never wanted to be responsible for
tarnishing someone's reputation or taking advantage of an innocent
girl. Now it is too late. Damn! Why can't he remember? He shakes
his head in frustration trying to clear it.

His heart is pounding now and guilt is
flowing through his veins. Oh God, what is he going to do? Did they
even use protection? Frantically he looks around the bed. No, he
doesn't think so and he doesn't see any wrappers lying around.
Damn! It just keeps getting worse and worse!

He finally finds all of his clothes and
dresses. Then he starts looking around the apartment. The woman is
very neat, everything is spotless! The desk, maybe there is some
identification in the desk. He opens the drawer and digs through
the pile of papers and when he sees it, her name, his stomach drops
all the way to his toes. Oh God! Samantha Wells ... it couldn't be
any worse. His stomach is rolling and he feels like he might lose
its contents. He can't possibly work today.

He makes his way to his truck that is parked
in its usual spot, the parking lot across from the bar and slowly
drives back to the ranch. Oh God, what is he going to do? Why can't
he remember? How did he end up in this mess? Samantha Wells? Was
she drunk too? What if he got her pregnant? Oh God, please no! How
did he end up with her? He has never even seen her in the bar. Oh,
God, what has he done? His heart is pounding with guilt, he is
sweating, and his stomach keeps rolling and rolling.


Sam speeds back to the apartment complex and
turns into the parking lot squealing her tires. Stump's truck is
gone. That means he's awake and gone either to the construction
site or back to the ranch. Oh God! What if he went to work? Her
heart pounding with fear, she heads to the construction site and is
relieved to find his truck missing from the parking lot where the
workers park. Have they already done something to hurt him? Maybe
he didn't come here. Please God. Maybe he went straight back to the
ranch. He'll be safe at the ranch. She picks up her cell phone and
calls Pinky.

Pinky answers, "Pinky."

"Pinky, Samantha Wells. Is Stump at the
ranch? I don't see his truck at the construction site and I want to
make sure nothing has happened to him." Her heart is pounding with

"Yeah Sam, he's here. He got back about
thirty minutes ago. Is something wrong?"

Samantha releases the breath she didn't
realize she was holding as relief flows through her. She says,
"I'll come by after my class and explain just don't let Stump go in
to work today. I think he's in extreme danger."

"Sure thing, Sam, I'll hog tie him if I have
to." Pinky says grinning at her trying to mother Stump. Just wait
until he hears about it. He's going to be furious!

He climbs the stairs up to the office and
finds Stump sitting on the sofa. Grinning to himself, he teases,
"Hey Stump, Samantha Wells just called me to make sure you're here.
She told me to make sure you don't leave and go to work today."

Stump's face loses all its color and he
groans, "She did what?" His heart is pounding heavily with guilt
and his stomach twists painfully and much to his surprise and
embarrassment, his member springs to attention. Oh God, what is he
going to do? He adjusts his position to disguise his member's

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